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Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is this made from? Cuban ingenuity.

Did you figure out what this bracelet is made from?

Maybe now it is evident?
Remember how I described Cubans as innovative? Well, here is a perfect example. When you do not have art supplies, you look around for items capable of appropriation. This particular artist created jewelry from forks. Yes, that beautiful bracelet was once a fork. What can I learn from a Cuban artists?

This past week, I went to a thrift store and bought spoons. (They were sold out of forks) I showed my student's at Arthaus ( my fork bracelet. I then gave them a spoon, hammer, pliers and access to gems and adhesive. I told them that they could make whatever they wanted as long at it could no longer be identified as a spoon.  Some ideas included: jewelry, ornaments and a mini sculptures. It was a noisy project but once again my students amazed me with their problem solving skills and ingenuity.

Back in Cuba
What are these woven from?

Made by special needs students. 
Did you figure it out yet?
These innovative crafts were made from the plastic tape found in VHS tapes. Very clever, I must say.

After throwing away countless strands of broken Christmas lights, I am tempted to send them to Cuba. Without a doubt, the Cubans would would find an innovative use for our discarded lights. I am still trying to come up with an art project or another lofty use for broken Christmas lights. No luck yet. Let me know if you think of any. - Beth

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